
Operation Iraqi Freedom

My Time

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Hey everyone. Things here are about the same. We've had a couple of controlled blasts in the past couple days but still no attacks. Controlled blasts are when EOD, or anyone, finds a UXO and destroys it themselves so no one can be hurt. They are safe but still loud. I'm mad because I didn't get any of the sound on video tape, but I will hopefully get the next ones if they inform us like they did the last time. I received a package from my Uncle Dean and Aunt Stacee so I wanted to say thank you very much for that. I'm not sure if the pictures are up yet, but I know that George is working on it as you read, so hopefully they'll be up soon. Well things here are going well and I hope you all are fine too. Thank you so much for the mail, support, and prayers. God bless you all.

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