
Operation Iraqi Freedom

My Time

Friday, May 07, 2004

Hey all. I know I know, I'm lazy. It's been really busy up here so I haven't been able to come up here in a while. I'm sorry. I really will get better. We have now gotten mail in everyday for 4 days and we're supposed to be getting more in everyday until next Tuesday or so. You would think with the mail coming in every day that we wouldn't get that much mail in, but these soldiers have A LOT of people writing them so we get a lot in every day. It's been hard work but I'm going to be in good shape when I leave. We also started going to the gym every morning except Sunday, and so now my day starts at around 0530. It's really not that bad once you get used to it and it pays because I really want to get back into shape. Things here are still good, pretty quiet. I heard some stuff the other day but not much at all. I hope it continues until I leave. Also, I got a care package in from my aunt and it had some MiniDV tapes in it so I have began recording. All of you that hang out with me in the real world will get a chance to see some great footage...but I'm nowhere near good at using the thing yet. I envy my Uncle Dean now. It's harder than it looks. But hopefully, I will get good enough to not make you get motion sickness when you watch. Well I guess that's it. Thanks so much for the packages and letters, they are all appreciated. I love you all and thank you for your support and prayers. God bless.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Hey all. Good news, things are still quiet around here. It's been really peaceful here for a little while and the silence is actually becoming something I could get used to...but of course, never get comfortable. So things here are good and the same as usual. We got a lot of mail in today so I worked pretty hard. It's not a bad job distributing the mail really because it's a great workout with all the packages that get sent. Really, I haven't had to work out since I got here because of how much we lift during the day. But I won't complain, it makes the days go by really fast. I found out something really interesting yesterday...there are dogs here that they catch and test for diseases. Well they found some and disposed of them when they found the Bubonic Plague in them...that's right, the Bubonic Plague. Very reasuring. These dogs come with fleas...sand fleas, that can transfer the disease, so now I'm not even as worried about mortars, but the Black Death. So that's good. (note the sarcasm). Well I guess that's it for the update, not much is new. I'd like you to keep your prayers and thoughts with the soldiers here. We're all lonely and missing our families, but we're getting used to it. Thank you so much for your support...God bless you all.

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