
Operation Iraqi Freedom

My Time

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Hey guys. I know it's been a little while but it's been really busy. See the vehicles had to get to the train tracks to get moved to Charleston so they can get shipped out in time for us to meet them over there. And EVERYTHING seems to be broken, so there's been a lot of late nights at the motorpool. But hey, that's what mechanics are for. I'm just glad I got my buddy that's a real mechanic or I'd be lost. But really, that's all that's been going on. We had some more classes today on suicide prevention, risk management, rules of engagement, and another that I can't remember. Sound redundant??? Yea, well, that's the army. Tomorrow is a really scary day for me. Gas chamber. As most of you know I have a little bit of what they like to call asthma, so im worried, but I've done it once so hopefully I can do it again. We'll see, and I'll let you know how it went as soon as I get back to the computer. Well for you that are coming down in a couple weeks, I can't wait. And for you who are coming down a couple weeks after that, I can't wait. I'm so excited to see everyone again. Hope it all works out. Ok guys, I'm out, hope you're all having fun and I'll catch you all later. Peace.

EDIT: I just want to throw a thanks out to my cousin George. He's worked his butt off making sure I didn't screw this site up and I really appreciate his work. Thanks man, can't wait to get back and chill w/ ya. Hope you're treating my guitar right :) Peace

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Hey everyone. So it's been a great couple days "off." Now by off I mean we haven't had that much to do which means I get to wake up a little later and get to get into civies a little more. So that's always good. Not much going on like I said, a bunch of work getting stuff ready to leave. All of our equipment has to be on the ship soon so they can ship it over to where we're going so we can meet it there. So other than that....nothing but lounging until the rest of our training is up. Welp, that's it, sorry there isn't more to say, but thanks for reading up on my site and thanks for all of your support. Love you guys.

Monday, January 12, 2004

So the last three days have been pretty painstaking, but we finally got a good break today. The last three days have been nothing but qualifying w/ our weapons. The first day was PMI which is where we go through and refamiliarize ourselves w/ our weapons. Day two was the zero range, where we zero our weapons to our specific styles. That was fun but the sucky thing about it was that I was the first one to zero. The only one to zero in the minimum 9 rounds. So I was really excited. But then my battle buddy (the person that watches your back while you watch theres) hadn't zeroed yet. So I hung out w/ him for a while, but then it took him a while to zero so by the time we got done, everyone in our platoon had left us. So us and two others had to stay there for the rest of the day. I absolutely froze. Then yesterday we qualified. The range was horrible. Just to give you an example, I fired the highest in the entire platoon w/ only 24 out of 40 targets hit. Yea....terrible huh. I'm not sure what was up w/ the range, but that's just embarrasing. But hey, we all qualified so oh well. We also had to qualify in our gas masks yesterday then wait around and shoot at targets at night. Kinda fun, but made for a very very long day. So now that I'm all wind burned and tired, we finaly got a day to ourselves for the most part today. I keep forgetting to release that address, but I'll get it soon I promise. Thanks for your comments and support. Love you all.

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