
Operation Iraqi Freedom

My Time

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Hello everybody! So another morning and I'm feeling good for some reason. We finished about 80 percent of all the filming for the movie. We still have quite a bit to do in productions and such, but we still have a little bit to do. As soon as the trailer is finished, I'm going to find a way to show to all of you at home, but you probably won't get to see the movie until I actually get home.

Speaking of which, we got dates for when we are leaving. I can't tell you over this thing when that is, but let me just tell you, it's about a 3 weeks before we thought we were leaving. So that's nice.

No new attacks that I know of, and I'm really starting to get back into running and working out...it's something I'm definitely going to have to work hard to continue when I get home. Well, I guess that's it.

Apparently I'm supposed to put more breaks in my paragraphs, so this is my first attempt. Let me know it it's easier. Ok, well that's it. God bless and thank you all for your support and prayers. Love you all. Peace.

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